17 January 2011

School Magazine Research

As part of this unit I had to do research into two school magazines. I analyzed two different types of school magazines and compared the different uses of font, imagery and colour presented by both of them.
This task has helped in showing me the different conventions of different types of school magazines and has assisted me to decide which conventions I will apply to my own Hampstead sixth-form magazine in order for it to appeal to the readers it is aimed at.


In this unit, I am going to create a music magazine as part of my coursework for AS level media studies. As part of this unit, I will be creating a front cover, contents page and a 2 page spread with original images and ideas.
For my preliminary task, I will be creating a magazine based around the sixth-form I attend, Hampstead sixth-form which will consist of a front cover, a contents page and 2 drafts.
In the process of this unit, I hope to gain many skills which will help towards my final product.

I feel that process of production and creativity skills will be what helps my final piece the most.